Saturday, June 21, 2008

Medical Update

On Thursday the pain in my leg was so bad, I called the doctor to make an appointment for Friday. When I explained the pain in my legs to the nurse on the phone she got worried and said to go to the ER and have a Doppler test of my legs because it could be a blood clot. So I got a little scared but about a half hour later, after talking to the doctor, she called back and said that it probably wasn't a blood clot and made an appointment for me to come in the next day. By the next morning my legs were still in pain, but the swelling in them had gone down. The doctor looked them over and is pretty sure it's a stress fracture so she gave me a recommendation to a sports med doctor. But she didn't want to ignore the possibility that it might be a blood clot because my calves were very warm and my feet were cold. So she sent me right over to the hospital for the Doppler Test to rule out DVT. When I got to the hospital they said they would do the test and after look at the images. If it was nothing I could leave, if it was something I would be going right to the ER and probably have surgery that afternoon. The test was just an ultrasound of my legs looking for clots and checking the blood flow. Everything was normal, not like this picture. So I just got to go back to work. Now I have a sports med appointment on Wednesday. Seems like a long time to wait... The doctor I'm seeing though also does marathons, triathlons and Ironmans so getting me back in the race is the first priority. I really didn't want to go to someone who would say that I couldn't do it, because that's not an option for me. Today my legs are still feeling a little achy, but not terrible. So I'm going to go up to IC's outdoor pool and run in the water. I shouldn't loose much ground by doing that and it'll be no pressure on my joints or bones. So we'll see how that goes, and I also kept my physical therapy appointment on Monday.

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