Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Sexiness of the Air Cast.

So I've been wearing the air cast for a week now. My legs are defiantly starting to feel better. I woke up this morning with pretty much no pain. Usually the first few steps in the morning are the worst. I swam 1500m this morning and they felt great after that!

But as I've been hobbling around all week I've noticed how others react to seeing the air cast. The reaction on their face when they do a once over is priceless, especially kids. One guy this morning caught me noticing him staring at me and he waved. My legs are the parade and I'm the princess in the float.

Then another stranger actually stopped me and asked "how did you break both legs?" I said running and that it was stress fractures. I really need to come up with a better story than that. Something like, "well when I was flying in my private helicopter over the amazon..." Alas, I was not that quick.

Well I'm off to Ocean City for the weekend to relax!

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