Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I have my check up appointment tomorrow with the doctor! Hopefully I'll be able to ditch the air casts. I honestly don't think I'm going to be able to start running for another week or so. My legs don't feel the same kind of pain they did before. Every now and then it's just a dull ache of a reminder that I'm injured. Walk at this point is completely pain free. I think one more week off from running and slowly working back into it will do me good.

I've been swimming a lot and running in the water. But it's just not the same. So tonight I plan to re-write my training plan with a slow two week phase to work back into running. Getting injured has probably also been a bit of a blessing in disguise. I'm taking a summer class that's really interesting but time consuming. It's call Psychology of Social Computing. Six week courses are so intense and there's so much reading. But it's really opened up my eyes to the kind of work I'll be doing if I'm accepted to the M.S. in Communications. It's very exciting and very different from anything that I've done before.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Good Luck at the Doctors!

Love Mom